About Me

Hi! My name is Jocelyn and I am a UX designer based in Newmarket, Ontario.

As a UX designer, I aim to support the development of and creation of designs and products that can improve people’s lives. I am able to conduct research and apply it in meaningful ways to my designs. I am able to empathize with users in order to discover and explore new ways to improve their lives. I have chosen to pursue UX design as the work I have done has always been people centred, and I see UX design as an exciting opportunity to keep people at the centred of the work that I do.

Prior to becoming a UX designer, I completed an undergraduate degree in social work and worked as a frontline worker in a variety of settings in the social care sector. Predominantly,  with adults experiencing homelessness. I have worked in shelters, drop ins, supported accommodations and harm reduction settings in the last 7 years. In my various different roles, I have developed problem solving and communication skills to meet the needs of the people I work with. 

I love travelling and finding new places to eat. I can often be found enjoying the outdoors (especially in the summer) or sharing a meal with friends.